Gloves off on ultra-processed foods

Warning, I’m on a rant. And for good reason. There is really no redeeming value of ultra-processed food unless you are on an island with no vegetation, no animals and no insects to eat!

What is ultra-processed food? These are the foods in packages that contain many added ingredients (sugar, salt, fat, and artificial colors/preservatives). Ultra-processed foods are made mostly from substances extracted from foods. They are food like substances that do not resemble the original food.

In the US we are eating way too much ultra-processed food. Between 2001 -2002 and 2017-2018 the percent of calories in the US diet coming from ultra-processed foods increased from 53.5% to 57% (Juul et al Jan 2022). What’s shocking to me is not the increase so much as the amount. Over half of our calories come from ultra-processed foods and sadly for kids it is up to two thirds! And with-it too much sugar, refined carbohydrates, salt and unhealthy fats.

Sadly, we live in a toxic food environment where ultra-processed foods with its enticing marketing are the new Sirens leading us this time, not Ulysses to an early death! This is not much of an exaggeration. Ultra-processed food is associated with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It is the driver of the obesity epidemic by increasing insulin resistance, messing up the gut microbiome and causing inflammation.

A small but very well done study randomized people to eat an ultra-processed or unprocessed diet for two weeks (Hall K, 2019). Participants were able to self-select the foods to eat but the choices were matched by calories and macronutrients. What they found those eating the ultra-processed diet for two weeks consumed on average 500 extra calories a day and gained almost 2lbs. Some participants did not gain weight and others gained 13lbs in two weeks. So clearly there are other factors at play.

Clearly some processing of food is ok and even necessary. Processing is needed for food preservation and food safety. Minimally processed foods such as washed salad greens, frozen or even canned vegetables and fruit have much of their nutrients, phytochemicals and fiber still intact. But Cheetos or even corn flakes are pretty far removed from corn.

We need to stop kidding ourselves that all foods can be eaten in moderation. That is simply not true. At most, some foods can be a rare treat. If you elect to consume ultra-processed foods do so with the knowledge that it is detrimental to your health. Last week my son made homemade brownies. That treat was worth it. But the Pay Day I caved in and ate yesterday at the end of a stressful week at work was not. That was stress eating. You need to decide for yourselves when the negative consequences of ultra-processed foods are worth it. This week be mindful of when ultra-processed foods sneak into your diet.