DHVT Merchandise Trunk Sale

We’re cleaning out the Lair!

We have accumulated several items in our “Lair” and will be offering them at a discounted member rate, on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Place your order:
  1. View the list of DHVT merchandise available.
  2. Email  Linda Rhoads at lindar@dragonheartvermont.org and include the item, quantity, choice of color/style (ie: socks), and the date you plan to pick up your item(s) from the two options below.
  3. Linda will confirm receipt.
  4. Orders must be received by Thursday, April 20th.
Two pick-up dates:
  1. Tuesday, April 25th 4:30-5:30 at FUMC (899 Dorset St), upper lot
  2. At the first paddle of the season (we will arrive an hour before practice starts).

Payment needs to be made at the time of pick up. Make checks payable to Dragonheart Vermont and describe item on memo line.